Florsani is more than a flower farm. We are a family integrated by 1200 people seeking the same purpose, fulfilling lives for everyone through our 4 goals, represented as petals at our logo: Cultivarse (Cultivate yourself), Cultivar (Cultivate), Crecer (to Evolve) and Compartir (to Share).
Crecer is the petal which focus on evolving or on growth. This word means a lot of things to different people but to us, it refers to the kind of growth that grows you, grows our team, our values, our goals and grows an organization. It grows a wealth that is far more satisfying than money alone.
The single best reason to grow is to give others the opportunity to grow and flourish. If you want more opportunity for your employees, you need to grow. That’s why growth is important in business and that here are a few actions we succesfully achieve to actively promote our petal of Cultivar:
Automation of processes
Development of new products each year to expand in the flower market
Working day by day to grow leaders who seek to improve their communities
Expand social awareness by teaching everyday Florsani’s philosophy to our collaborators and their families